Making ecommerce better – for everyone
We’ve built an amazing team of passionate, innovative people and we’re excited about what we can achieve when we work together.

Whether you want to buy, sell, or connect, we’ll help you achieve your online goals
We aim to connect, empower and support people to positively change their lives through ecommerce; ecommerce that’s so reliable, simple and trustworthy, everyone can participate and benefit!
Our services
We’re giving you the tools you need to buy and sell online, and achieve your dreams through the power of simple, effective and transparent ecommerce.
Bob Box
Secure and convenient pickup and dropoff lockers and counters for buyers and sellers.
Why go with Bob?
Help your business grow
If you’re an online merchant, we can save you time and money, and help your business grow.
Streamline your processes
By streamlining your order management processes, we let you spend more time on growing your business. Improved customer service (through real-time tracking notifications and setting rates at checkout) keeps your buyers happy, so your day isn’t taken up with fulfilment issues.
Reduce your spend
Because we partner with all of South Africa’s leading courier companies, we can offer you competitive rates that will reduce your spend on shipping.
Greater time savings
Our open API and ease of integration with other ecommerce platforms – plus the way our system pulls orders directly from your website – add up to even greater time savings.
Focus on growth
Our ecommerce offering is easy to scale, and grows as your business does. Whatever your order management and fulfilment needs, we’ll help you focus on your growth.
Why go with Bob?
Help your business grow
If you’re an online merchant, we can save you time and money, and help your business grow.
Streamline your processes
By streamlining your order management processes, we let you spend more time on growing your business. Improved customer service (through real-time tracking notifications and setting rates at checkout) keeps your buyers happy, so your day isn’t taken up with fulfilment issues.
Reduce your spend
Because we partner with all of South Africa’s leading courier companies, we can offer you competitive rates that will reduce your spend on shipping.
Greater time savings
Our open API and ease of integration with other ecommerce platforms – plus the way our system pulls orders directly from your website – add up to even greater time savings.
Focus on growth
Our ecommerce offering is easy to scale, and grows as your business does. Whatever your order management and fulfilment needs, we’ll help you focus on your growth.
We're changing ecommerce – join us
Get in touch to find out more about our wide range of products and services.
Get in touch to find out more about our wide range of products and services.